Routines are good

Top Ender is being very good at the moment, and I am sure I know why and it's something I did!

Top Ender at the Playground

She has been helping me each week do my chores; On a Saturday whilst she watches the TV for an hour I am found hovering the house, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and Kitchen you know what it involves I am sure, because like me you do all the same chores!

Then together we follow the Flylady Missions for a room and spend some time cuddling and reading on the sofa. She understands that in the afternoons at the weekends and the evenings during the week I need to have a rest as Baby Boy is making me tired and she will often sit with me and listen to some music or tell me a story or read to herself if I nap or have a quick read.

And I think that this is all happening because of our written down routines.

I spent some time and created for both Top Ender and I,  a folder which contain our daily routines.

Her folder is a High School Musical folder and has lots of stickers inside; mine is just red but has some art inside that inspires me.

Knowing exactly what is expected of us, and the things that we need to do has meant a change in our home.

Our house look clean and clear (well most of it!) we can find socks and clothes and shoes and we are not over run with toys, clutter and mess!

We love routines!