I'm on my way to the MAD Awards

Right about now I should be on a train going to London if everything is going the way I have planned. I have been lucky enough to have been nominated again for the Family Fun Category in the MAD awards, which are being held at the Talk Talk Customer Experience Centre. I've been dressed by Simply Be, and the lovely Vertbaudet (who are sending me some baby clothes for my Sister) have sponsored me in order so I could afford to come stay down in London (and to have a sneaky packet of crisps and bottle of Dr Pepper to enjoy whilst on the train) and I'm really excited to be going to find out if I shall be increasing the number of trophies on my fireplace.

The MADs Award for Family Fun 2010

No seriously, for me this isn't about trophies or prizes and it isn't even about winning. The very fact that I was nominated and then voted for by people who read this blog is just so amazing that it makes my head hurt thinking about it. What started as a diary of things I wanted to remember in years to come and share with those who were experiencing similar things has evolved into something more. I've met some amazing people who I now consider to be my gang of friends (Hello Emma, JenSally, and Vic) and even more who I hope are well on their way to being firm friends of mine (Hello Nicki and Melaina).

This blog has allowed my children to experience things that I could only dream about when I was their age. They get to try new toys and DVD's before they are available to buy, they have been to theme parks, tried new dishes, been given clothes, learnt a few new skills, made friends across the country and met a few celebrities too. The confidence that my children have now when trying something new is amazing, I wish I had been that self assured when I was that young.

I was talking to Emma the other day about a comment that someone who knows me in "real life" had made about my blog. The gist of it was that I am a normal person blogging about normal things and it struck me as funny. Granted, the things we do as a family are what every normal family do (or should do), but I don't think that is an accurate description of me and my family or my blog! Anyone who has read at least one blog post of mine can tell I am far from normal and I don't blog about normal things either, but to me and my family it is normal because this is our family life.

Tonight I will get to spend time with other bloggers and we will celebrate with each other. If I win my category great. And if I don't then it doesn't change anything my blog is and always will be about my "normal" family life and the fun we have together.

PS If you want to follow along then follow the live blog at www.the-mads.com/blog