Main Meal Plan (W/C 29/06)

I guess the big news this week is that I'm no longer planning Fast Days for Daddy and I, I'll mention why more over on Pippa World, but lets just say that it didn't work for us...

Saturday - Chicken Stir Fry

This past week Daddy has been reviewing some meals from ilumi and the last product he has is a Sweet Chilli stir fry sauce which we decided to share between all four of us with rice and my favourite veggies.

Sunday - Munch and Mingle

Everyone apart from Daddy is at the Munch and Mingle this weekend, so Daddy is making do at home and we're going to eat at the Munch and Mingle. We'll miss our Roast!

Monday - Sausages

I'm in Sweden today, which means Daddy is in charge of food. As they are going to be a little busy running here and there, they have chosen Sausages and Hash Browns for dinner.

Tuesday - Take Away

Daddy and the Children are going to be picking me up from the Airport, so they are all going to have a Take Away on route. Knowing Daddy, they'll get there really early so they can do some plane spotting!

Wednesday - Rigatoni with Courgette, Tomato & Mascarpone

When I was at Britmums I was able to choose two cookbooks from one of the brands in attendance, who thought I might like to review them. As we are trying to eat Veggie at least once per week, one the cookbooks being a Vegetarian Step By Step Cookbook caught my eye. This week we're trying out one of the pasta recipes, and look for the review of the book coming up in the next couple of weeks.

Thursday - Fish and Chips. With a Twist

I used to eat Trout on a regular basis, when I was at University. The canteen did a GREAT burger which I'm hoping to recreate. The trout is basically smooshed into potato, (there's the twist) and served in a bun. I'm going to do some chips with the burgers though, as I know that the Children love them.

Friday - Pizza

Daddy made a fantastic pizza the other day, he made everything from scratch and Top Ender told him that now he's learnt to make pizza, that he should learn to make more! So for Friday night before we drop Top Ender off at Year Four Camp we'll be eating Pizza. Lots and lots of Pizza.

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Also don't forget to follow my Weight Loss and Fitness Journey at Pippa World too!