Kringl Magic #Review

As most of you know, Big Boy is off School sick at the moment. I decided to do something special for him, to take his mind off his ear ache. This is the story of how it went.

Big Boy waiting to meet Santa

Whilst I went upstairs to do a few chores, I checked in on Big Boy using the CCTV in our living room and saw this.

That's right Santa came to our house, and checked his list whilst Big Boy was watching a video on Youtube and oblivious to the fact that Santa was standing just a few feet away. Big Boy is thrilled that I managed to capture it on my phone though, and has told everyone about how he didn't realise Santa was so close to him.

If you fancy making sure you're aware when Santa comes to your house, check out the Kringl website for details.

This wasn't paid for, I just happened to really like this app.