The Overnight Temple Trip

For the last few weeks, our ward (parish) has been arranging a trip to the Temple. There was going to be a coach laid on and everyone could travel down to the Temple together.

There was just one problem. Tops and I get really travel sick.

So we decided, that we would travel down the night before, staying in the Temple Accommodation for Patrons. We'd never done it before but knew that several of our friends had so knew it would be possible for us too.

The drive down the M1 and M25 were exactly as expected on a Friday night, and Tops and I made the most of having been loaned Flyfour's car by using the Cruise control and making the most of the Alexa that he has wired up into the car so we could use our Spotify account.

We ate Pringles and laughed and sang and sometimes were quiet so I could concentrate on a tricky part of navigating to the Temple.

And then suddenly, out of the darkness there it was.

The England London Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

A beacon of light to all around, although I'm sure some of the other cars driving past, didn't think twice about the lit up landmark and instead they were concentrating on getting home, but to Tops and I the view was amazing.

We signed into the accommodation, but before grabbing our bags and settling into our room for the night, we wanted to walk around the grounds for a few minutes, just a quick march around the Temple, just to ground ourselves. To feel the sanctity, to soak in the atmosphere and to allow ourselves the chance to properly relax.

After our walk, we headed back to our car, grabbing our bags and heading back to our room, where we feasted upon Super Noodles and a pack of Chocolate, before using my laptop to watch an episode of Relative Race on BYU TV and settling down for the night.

As we lay in our beds, listening to the planes flying overhead and the traffic as it whistled past, we whispered secrets, dreams and hopes to each other. As Tops slowly drifted off to sleep, I lay in my bed for the night, glad for this time together and ready for the new challenges that will be thrown our way.