Every So Often

Every so often I start to forget things.

I forget that I enjoy being around young people.
I forget that I enjoy helping others.
I forget that I enjoy reading at an alarming speed (roughly 619 words a minute if I'm in the mood).
I forget that I love working.
I forget that I love to cook.
I forget that I love to write.
I forget that I like making other people happy.

I forget, well I guess I forget that I'm me.

I remember that I enjoy being around young people.
I remember that I enjoy helping others.
I remember that I enjoy reading at an alarming speed (roughly 619 words a minute if I'm in the mood).
I remember that I love working.
I remember that I love to cook.
I remember that I love to write.
I remember that I like making other people happy.

I remember that I am me.
