Halloween Decorating

I love Halloween almost as much as Christmas, you get to not brush your hair and claim you are getting your hair the right level of rats nest look to compliment your costume of a witch, you get to eat chocolate that your neighbours give you after threatening them, you get to make fun lunches of bats and ghosts and cut off fingers, you don't have to dust or wipe cobwebs away (as you are going for the gothic spooky look) and of course you can do wonderful things with pumpkins.
Halloween Pumpkin

My Mum would decorate the house on Halloween so that the children that would come to knock would have a sort of haunted house to go in. I really loved that and so every October we decorate our house too. Really we just do the driveway and the front window and I'm not sure that anyone has ever noticed the time and effort that has gone into the decorations but to us it doesn't matter. We like doing the decorating and the making of the decorations is good quality family fun time.

Crashed Witch in a hedge

One of the best benefits I can think of about decorating for Halloween is that it allows Trick or Treaters know if you are open to them knocking or not. It can be as easy as trailing a few candles down your path such as the teenage daughter of our next door neighbour does, or just putting a few plastic bats and spiders on the outside of your front door. Watch here next week though for some great Halloween decorating ideas that you can make at home during half term!

Decorating for Halloween is just on the cusp of becoming more popular here in the UK, it's easy these days to walk into a Supermarket and find aisles dedicated to Halloween decorations and I could spend ages looking at them (as I did in Asda this past weekend) and even Andrex has gotten in on the act with the smallest room in the house being able to be decorated easily with special Halloween Toilet Rolls. They are available from the middle of this month (that is about now right?) in selected Tesco stores  and I can't wait to buy some. (No, really we have run out of toilet paper this afternoon so I need to buy some!)

Halloween Toilet Roll From Andrex