Little Dish Chicken and Two Veg Pasta Review

I've said before that Top Ender and Big Boy like the Little Dish range, they are the sort of prepared meals that I find to be consistently of a high standard and something which my children eat as if it was something that was home made. And that's why I really like them, they taste like something I would make, they are the right portion size for my children and they smell nice! So when Little Dish asked if we would like to try the new Chicken & Two Veg Pasta that isn't for sale until October 5th I didn't even worry if the children would want to eat it but said yes please!

The lovely courier knows me well now, and arrived before the school run. Big Boy recognised the logo on the lunch box and  sneaked a look inside at the package and excitedly headed up to School to tell Top Ender that dinner was a new Little Dish!

Little Dish Chicken and Two Veg Pasta

Daddy was working late and so Top Ender and Big Boy helped me to put the meals in the microwave so they could cook whilst we set the table. I took a quick picture when they came out of the microwave and transferred the pots to plates for the children to eat from (they like it to stay in the plastic dish).

Little Dish Chicken and Two Veg Pasta

Big Boy has a bit of a thing with Broccoli and so I got to eat all the Broccoli from his meal, there was a lot but it was nicely balanced with the amount of chicken and pasta and Top Ender thought it was lovely even though she isn't keen on Broccoli either. Pasta is a big favourite in our house so I think that we will get the Chicken & Two Veg Pasta meal again, and with the meal costing £2.49 it's the sort of take away that isn't going to break the bank!