What We Are Eating This Week (W/C 26/05)

Last weeks meal plans had to be slightly changed, we didn't have the Roast on Sunday because we ended up spending the entire day out in London and we had Fish and Chips on Monday night instead of the stir fry as we thought the children had been so good they deserved a treat, but the good thing was that we still used everything that we had brought. This week I am trying to restock my freezer so will be making a lot of meals which can easily be doubled up and stored in the freezer for another week. I also need to get some more cookies and cakes in the freezer as my supplies are running low!

Saturday - Sausage Korma

Daddy loves a good curry, but the children so far have refused to take after him and prefer things which do not have any spice to them. I decided it's about time that they took the plunge so will make a Sausage Korma for us all to share. It will be very mild, but I'm hoping that because it is sausages they won't notice!

Sunday - Roast chicken

Yes, it's Sunday and we will be having a Roast Chicken. Last week we didn't have a Roast as we ended up going out on Sunday to the Science Museum so we are all really looking forward to a nice Roast. If we are all really lucky then we might even eat it out in the garden too. I just have to persuade Daddy to help me move the garden table!

Monday - Jacket Potatoes

I will make double the amount of Jacket potatoes and freeze half for a meal another week. I'm thinking Cheese and Ham Double Baked Jacket Potatoes would be lovely next week! This week we will have Jacket Potatoes with Beans and Salad (Look out for my Apetina Salad recipe here and on the Apetina Facebook Page!) and a bit of grated cheese over the top.

Apetina Salad

Tuesday - Turkey with Red Peppers, Cream Cheese and Spinach

Do you remember the Turkey Pin Wheels with Peppadew Peppers recipe I made up the other week? Well I'm making a few variations to it this week and trying again making it for everyone. There was only just enough for Daddy and I when I last made it, so I'm thinking that I will serve it with Rice and do a side dish of Salad (left over from yesterday) and if everyone is still hungry then we can have a pudding. I'll probably make some cake for us to share.

Wednesday - Pasta Bolognese

Last week I did end up making double the amount of Lasagne, I normally make them way to big and so I think that if I stick with my normal recipe and make two smaller ones I might actually lose some weight. With this in mind I've decided to make Pasta Bolognese this week and I'll make double so I have one portion for the freezer for a meal in the near future. We're having Pasta instead of Spaghetti so we can use up the last box of Pasta that Daddy has. I could end up having a week of freezer meals at this rate!

Thursday - Gammon Steak with miniature vegetables

We are serving it with pineapple and mashed potatoes and a selection of vegetables to go with our film of Journey 2 - The Mysterious Island that Warner Brothers are sending to us to watch. We have seen the film at the cinema and we loved how little things were big and big things were small so we are going to do that with our dinner!

Friday - Chicken Honey Sesame Skewers

Yesterday we had a great afternoon/evening. When Daddy came home it was still sunny and so we all either sat out or played in the garden. It was such a lovely Summer evening that I thought I would be prepared for next Friday by having a meal that will be good in the sunshine or the rain. If it is sunny then I'll prepare these on the BBQ and if not then I will grill them in the kitchen. It's a perfect solution. The Chicken will be cubed before being put on to skewers. I'll then roll the chicken skewers in a honey mixture (Honey, herbs, lemon juice and some Olive Oil) before sprinkling sesame seeds over the top. I'm not sure what to serve it with other than Rice or Rice Noodles, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

Now for some Food Related News

I am so excited for tomorrow! I have a blog post that is to do with food and meal plans, and will be a regular weekly post too, but you have to wait until tomorrow to find out what it is all about! Make sure you come back tomorrow or have A Mothers Ramblings in your RSS Reader so you don't miss it!