What does it mean to sustain my Church leaders?

Seriously what does it mean to sustain my Church leaders? Especially when, if you are like me, you're a little... well shall we say irreverent?! 

I've found myself pondering this question over the last few weeks, and I know that even the greatest Church minds have had a thought or three on the subject too. What does it truly mean to sustain our Church leaders?

As someone who has worn many hats within our congregation – from Primary Teacher extraordinaire to Relief Society stalwart– I've had my fair share of encounters with the concept of sustaining. But recently, I found myself in a rather humbling predicament that brought this question to the forefront of my mind, and I promise this picture of a sausage sandwich... well bap will make sense eventually!

A Sausage Bap

One Sunday, not too long ago, I was sat with one of my closest friends in a pew at Church, getting ready for our lesson. Neither of us are known for our... shall we say tact, when talking with each other because we know each really well. We know each other's foibles and we share the same opinion on a lot of things.

So, there we are, outspoken critics of teaching styles that don't quite align with our own preferred methods of learning, commentating on the teaching style of the teacher that week and erm maybe being a little unkind. Looking back now, oh, the irony!

Little did I know, the universe had a lesson in store for me, delivered in the form of a Sunday School assignment handed down by none other than a Church leader.

Yes, the tables were turned faster than you can say "holy moly," as I found myself standing at the front of the class, tasked with imparting wisdom and inspiration to eager minds. It was a moment of reckoning, a test of my commitment to the very principle of sustaining that I had so boldly proclaimed in the past.

In that moment, I realised that sustaining our Church leaders isn't just about nodding along politely or offering token gestures of support. It's not just about raising our hand and saying that we agree with the calling bestowed upon this person.

It's about embracing humility, accepting assignments with grace (even when they come with a side of humble pie), and recognising that each member of our congregation has a unique role to play in the grand tapestry of our spiritual journey.

It's about setting aside personal preferences and learning to appreciate the diverse talents and perspectives that our leaders bring to the table. After all, variety is the spice of life, and our Church community thrives on the rich tapestry of experiences and backgrounds that each member brings to the fold.

In essence, to sustain our Church leaders is to uphold and support them in their sacred callings, recognising the divine authority with which they have been entrusted. It involves not only outward gestures of agreement but also a genuine commitment to follow their counsel, seek their guidance, and emulate their examples of faith and service.

Sustaining our Church leaders requires humility, patience, and a willingness to set aside personal preferences in favour of unity and harmony within the body of believers.

As we navigate our spiritual journey, let us remember that sustaining our Church leaders is not just a duty but a privilege and a blessing. It is an opportunity to participate in the work of the Lord, to strengthen one another, and to build His kingdom on earth.

I would hope that we would approach this sacred responsibility with reverence and gratitude, knowing that by sustaining our leaders, we are fulfilling our divine mandate to love and serve one another as disciples of Jesus Christ.

And so, as I embark on this journey of sustaining our Church leaders, I want to remember to keep my sense of humour handy. After all, life is too short to take ourselves too seriously, especially when faced with the occasional serving of humble pie or a surprise Sunday School assignment.

Here's to sustaining our Church leaders with a smile, a nod, and maybe even a cheeky wink or two... Recently, during a ward meeting, our Stake President delivered an inspiring talk. As my family and I sat listening attentively, the Stake President happened to mention sausages. Suddenly, our thoughts veered away from the message of the talk and fixated on sausage sandwiches.

Later, when we returned home, I couldn't resist sending a light-hearted message to the Stake President, accompanied by a picture of a delicious sausage bap, thanking him for the unintended inspiration. It's moments like these that remind me of the humanity of our Church leaders and the joy that can be found in even the most unexpected places.

Here's to our beloved Stake President, a good man who inadvertently sparked a memorable family moment with his talk, and here's to the sausages that will forever be associated with his wise words in our family's memories.