DIY Rustic Valentines Wreath

One of the great things about being a blogger, is that you sometimes get opportunities offered to you that you think sound fun. Sometimes, I say yes to these even though I have no right being offered them, being part of the Bostik Craft Club was one of these opportunities that I felt that I shouldn't have been offered as I am terrible with arts and crafts. I want to be good with arts and crafts, but I'm not. Then again isn't that why you all love me? I'm not a perfect cook or craft person, I'm normal (normal is relative!) and for the most part, most of you lovely people reading my blog are normal too. I got sent a few items, there was a sheet of felt, a piece of card, a card, some hearts, some foam stickers and some glue. I had no idea what to do, I didn't want to make a card because that's obvious and I didn't want to make a pillow, so I went to my arts and craft supplies. I pulled out some pipe insulation and some wool and I created this.