What We Are Eating This Week (W/C 11th May 2024!)

OH MY GOSH! Do you know how good it feels to write a meal plan for a blog again?

The answer is blooming amazing.

At the moment it's just Dan Jon, myself and Flyfour at home as Top Ender is at University.

Tops will be back in the next couple of weeks (actually they are back this weekend, but that's because it's my birthday party) and this means that Flyfour and I will need to start thinking of more meals to prepare for our family that fit in with everyone's preferences, dietary needs, our budget and time constraints!

However until then...

a recent Pho inspired Pork Rice Bowl

Saturday - PARTY FOOD

It's my 45th Birthday Party today! A few of my closest friends and family have been invited to celebrate with me whilst also watching Eurovision... So we'll be eating party food, drinking party drinks and eating birthday cake.

Well, apart from Dan Jon who looked at me as if I'd asked him to shoot his pets when I asked if he'd come to my party. He'll have food of his own choice at home!

Sunday - Roast!

As Top Ender will probably eat our food and then drive back to Hull, we'll tempt them to stay a tiny bit longer so that we can eek out our time with them by providing a full Roast for them to consume with us. I'm guessing we'll either do Ham or Chicken, but it's up to Flyfour as chef. Of course, no matter what protein he decides to go with it will be served with Roasties, Yorkshire Puddings, Veg and if Tops has her way a swimming pool's worth of gravy.

Monday - BBQ Chicken Burgers

These have been a firm favourite in our family for some time. Chicken thighs or breasts, marinated in BBQ Sauce, grilled (or oven baked or even air fried) and slapped into buttered soft white rolls with a side of lettuce or if we're very lucky some Sweet Potato Fries.

Tuesday - Broccoli Cheese Pasta

There was a stage when Top Ender would only eat Broccoli Cheese Pasta, (I really don't know how we missed the whole ASD thing for so long) and an amazing chef in a very posh Italian Hotel made her this so simple dish in order to tempt her to eat something. I can't remember if it worked, but I do remember the chef being annoyed because I think I described the dish as creamy and cream is a big no-no in proper Italian cooking!

Wednesday - Dan Jon's Choice

I almost can't believe it, but DJ turns 16 today, so we'll have whatever he tells us he fancies this evening. We did suggest going out for a meal, but with his GCSEs in full swing, we might settle for a takeaway and a proper celebration in a few weeks.

Thursday - Salmon, Wedges and Veg

I'm in charge of planning meals, and I say we have Salmon so we'll have Salmon. I'm conceding and letting the boys have wedges and we'll pair it up with some Veg (probably Broccoli from Tuesday!) because A Fish is good for you, B Fish is tasty and C I said so.

Yes, I'm very mature.

Friday - Pork Rice Bowls

Recently I made the Pork Rice Bowl pictured at the top of this post. My inspiration was a dish I had that was extremely similar at Pho (mine and Flyfour's new favourite restaurant), but so easy to recreate at home.

Dan Jon and Tops often make a noodle pork bowl for each other, and it is super delicious. I find adding the extra veg keeps me happy, makes the dish looking amazing and also means that the whole family are getting more than their five a day!

Oh and more importantly, it smells and tastes SOOO good.

So, that's what we are planning on eating as our Main meals this week. Have I inspired you? What are you cooking that will inspire me?!