What We Are Eating W/C 19 December 2020

As I finished work for the break yesterday, I may have lied a little to those around me and said I planned to do nothing for the next two weeks.

I lied.

I actually intend to clean the house from top to bottom, get rid of as much
junk as I can, record some podcasts, schedule a load of work tweets and Facebook posts and work on the website, watch all my TV shows and Christmas movies, hang out with my family, finish Top Ender's scarf and work on my next mad idea...

It's going to be so much fun!

PippaD and Flyfour having lots of fun.

Saturday - Leftovers night

We have a few leftover dishes in the freezer, and I'm having a clear-out! I just hope I don't get left with some weird combination of foods for my meal... Taco bowl of pesto salmon, waffles and spinach anyone?

Sunday - Casserole

Flyfour decided I should decide what we're eating this weekend. Which is fine by me, as I'm actually ready to make some choices for a change! I thought today we'd have a casserole because it always makes the house smell lush!

Monday - Fish Pie

I'm determined to use up the fish in the freezer, so Fish Pie tonight!

Tuesday - Ponyo Noodles

Flyfour won't be eating with us, so a quick bowl of Ponyo Noodles for us all. Apart from I'll probably be a bit odd and have some Salmon instead of ham with mine and that's weird because Ponyo is a fish and well that seems a little odd right?!

Wednesday - Lasagne

As I'm not at work and we're in tier 3 and I have no friends to annoy over video chat, I have tonnes of time during the day to make everything from scratch, so a nice slow cooked Lasagne is on the cards. I might even make some garlic bread along with the side salad.

CHRISTMAS EVE - Taco Salad Bowls

Okay, so Flyfour claims that we have never had a Chinese on Christmas Eve. I swear the man is losing his marbles, but because I don't want to point out that he is wrong I've realised I should make something else and just grumble about the lack of Chinese to myself... and you.

I figured I'd make Taco Salad Bowls because they are fun, tasty and Sssh don't tell the kids but the way I make them a healthy choice!


I think like most people in the UK, today we'll be having a Turkey with all the trimmings and some extra ones too. Chatting with work colleagues they have all said the different dishes they have and I may be stealing some of their ideas to add to my own.

This year for breakfast I'm doing Bacon Sandwiches (I really can't face pancakes), our lunch will be at about 3pm and so it'll be leftovers for supper. I'll make sure we have plenty of snacks during the day, but as my housekeeper is on some kind of healthy eating campaign, it'll probably be fruit and crudites rather than chocolate and skittles...
