Top Ender's Friday Lunches
At the start of the school term Top Ender and I agreed that every Friday and on special days I would prepare a special lunch for her to take to school. I looked at it as a chance for me to show Top Ender how much I loved her, that I was thinking of her when we weren't together at home, a chance for me to be creative and also if it was only once a week then it wasn't going to cause too much issue and Daddy and I could just slap dash her lunch together on every other day of the week! The problem came when term started and the first day back to school (which was a special day) was a Wednesday. So a special lunch was created for Top Ender to take in on her first day. It was a fish because Top Ender had been working on a Sea Creature Summer project which was the theme for the first few weeks back at School too.
Of course that first Thursday at School was a special day, seeing as it was the first Thursday at School and so I had to prepare a special lunch on that day too
and then the next day was a Friday and so that was the agreed day for a special lunch and so I made special lunches for both those days.
Then came along Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday again.
You see what I did don't you? I've gone and made a rod for my own back by making a special lunch every day. In fact it's only seeing these pictures one after the other that I have realised just why when I post a picture on my Facebook and Twitter accounts that I get comments about how I am making other parents feel inadequate or how they have lunch box envy. I'm not going to stop though, I have far too many ideas for future lunches!