My Grown Up Bedroom - Or Where I've Been For January

I've been so busy over the last month that I've not looked at my blog, let alone thought of noting down any blog posts that I could be writing (I have several that are buzzing around my head), so I apologise for the lack of activity from me. I was reading back over the last year too and realised that I've strayed quite far from telling stories of what me and the family get up to and so I hope to remedy that this year too.

So what have we been up to?

For most of the month I've been decluttering the house. I started with my bedroom and now that it's clean and tidy, I can show you why I started there.

Clutter In My Bedroom - Don't judge me.

My bedroom is was the dumping ground for things that didn't have a home elsewhere in the house. Was it something that was to go in the loft? Well, put it in my bedroom and then we'll get round to it eventually. These clothes no longer fit Top Ender and Big Boy? Well, then put them in my bedroom until I get a chance to go to the Charity shop or clothes bin. These toys are for younger cousins? Put them in my room then. These photos need to be sorted out? Put them in my room...

I originally planned just to do fifteen minutes a day, a little here and a little there and slowly see the changes, but several hours after I first started I realised that I was enjoying the cathartic process of throwing away my possessions and clearing the space that had dominated my bedroom.

It took me all week, but eventually my room was finished and looked like a bedroom again. I had recycled, thrown away, donated to charity shops, relocated, given to School and put away properly everything that shouldn't have been in my bedroom.

A couple more weeks have passed, whilst I've again gone through the possessions I own and thinned them out some more, passing more craft items to friends who will use them, to the School who will no doubt allow Big Boy to bring them home again as part of his art and craft creations. And now it looks like this.

A Tidy Grown Up Bedroom

I'm very proud of myself and my grown up bedroom.

I went through Big Boy's room next. The change wasn't as dramatic, but his room is a lot easier to keep tidy now. I still have Top Ender's room to do, but down sizing her possessions is a little bit harder, so I'm putting that one off for now!

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Also don't forget to follow my Weight Loss and Fitness Journey at Pippa World too!