An Evening For New Beginnings

As a Young Women's President for our ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I get to spend time with the Young Women each week and I honestly love it. Twice a year we get to celebrate them with an evening about them/the programme they are involved in. At the end of last year, my counsellors had both been busy and so I had organised our "Young Women In Excellence" evening, and one of my counsellors volunteered to organise the next event, not realising it was just a few weeks away! It was this event, our "New Beginnings" that we had this week.

If ye love me keep my commandments bunting

The counsellor had printed this fab bunting, as a reminder of the theme for the year, "If ye love me keep my Commandments" and it was great hearing from the girls what it meant to them and how they apply it to their everyday lives.

New Beginnings is an evening where the new Beehives and their parents learn about Personal Progress, about what we get up to at Mutual and basically a chance for us leaders to give them all some love. In our ward, it is also customary that afterwards we always eat snacks together too! Actually, I think that may be a tradition in every ward, as are gifts, which my counsellor's husband was busy finishing for her as we started our evening.

Lip Balm with the Years Mutual Theme

Flyfour came with me, and as I wasn't needed to speak or sing (I was asked to sing with the girls in Young Women's before I was in the Presidency, just because the YW President at the time needed a grown-up who didn't mind getting up and singing!) I was able to sit back with Flyfour and enjoy the evening.

We have eleven young women, which isn't a lot compared to some wards, and eight of them gave a short talk on the values. Top Ender had asked if she could give the talk on Good Works and it was a great talk, Flyfour and I were so proud and even the Counsellor over the Mia Maids (which Top Ender is) came and said how great it was.

Top Ender giving a talk at New Beginnings

Afterwards, Flyfour rushed off to pick up Dan Jon from his friends home (he hadn't wanted to join us so spent the evening with a friend) whilst the Young Women and their Mums ate, drank and socialised together.

Top Ender with a Gold Heart Balloon

It had been a great evening, and as I looked at the young women I knew that every single one of them has a proper place in my heart. They are honestly so loving, so giving, so kind, so funny, so smart, so generous and all without expecting anything back. I am so lucky to be able to chat with them, learn with them and help them to discover who they are, and I can't wait to see what kind of adults they become.