Tracks of My Years - 1998
Last Tuesday thanks to Jen from Mum in The Mad House I talked about a song that meant something to me from 1999 and this week I had to think hard about what song I wanted to share! I could share the song that gave Daddy the inspiration for Top Ender and Baby Boy's names (Yes, both of them are named after a song) or I could share the song that for many years I have cursed at because it was played at my wedding despite me and Daddy hating it at the time.

In the end though I decided that this week I would share a song from 1998. This song has two memories attached to it, and I am hoping that by explaining them both I might stop crying when ever I hear it.
In 1998 I was sat in my Grandparents living room with my Cousin JJ. Seeing as the village my grandparents lived in was on the coast in the middle of nowhere we were a little bored and were sat watching Top of The Pops 2 on TV. My Granddad was dozing in his chair when Steve Wright introduced a new song from a new album. It was the sort of song that you had to tap your feet to, and indeed my sleeping granddad woke up feet tapping to hear The Mavericks Dance The Night Away and then did a little dance around the living room to what was left of the song. He loved it and because he loved it, I loved it too.
A few months later my Grandfather died and whilst we were all planning his funeral it was decided that his two favourite songs should be played as we went into the Crematorium and as we came out. The Mavericks was chosen to be one of these songs (Lifted by The Lighthouse Family was the other). As I said now every time I hear the song (and apparently write blog posts about it) I cry because the song took on new meaning for me that day. For me the chorus is a message from my Granddad letting me know that he is okay and that we have to let him go;
In 1998 I was sat in my Grandparents living room with my Cousin JJ. Seeing as the village my grandparents lived in was on the coast in the middle of nowhere we were a little bored and were sat watching Top of The Pops 2 on TV. My Granddad was dozing in his chair when Steve Wright introduced a new song from a new album. It was the sort of song that you had to tap your feet to, and indeed my sleeping granddad woke up feet tapping to hear The Mavericks Dance The Night Away and then did a little dance around the living room to what was left of the song. He loved it and because he loved it, I loved it too.
A few months later my Grandfather died and whilst we were all planning his funeral it was decided that his two favourite songs should be played as we went into the Crematorium and as we came out. The Mavericks was chosen to be one of these songs (Lifted by The Lighthouse Family was the other). As I said now every time I hear the song (and apparently write blog posts about it) I cry because the song took on new meaning for me that day. For me the chorus is a message from my Granddad letting me know that he is okay and that we have to let him go;
And if you should see her
Please let her know that I'm well
As you can tell
And if she should tell you
That she wants me back
Tell her no
I gotta go
And how can I refuse that? Now join me in a little dance (or a sway) and listen to the upbeat country song that makes me cry.
I promise I won't cry next week and if you want join in the blog hop too!