Personal Progress, Pie and Young Women

I'm just back from Mutual, (Okay so by the time I post this, I've been home an hour because I kept chatting with my husband instead of writing!) where the Young Women have spent the evening working on Personal Progress, eating Pie, having a chat and just hanging out together.

IT WAS BRILLIANT! Oh, and four of the Young Women said they loved my Pie and a fifth Young Woman followed me home and hugged me before going to bed saying that they loved the pies I had made, okay you guessed it, yes it was Top Ender!

When I got a Secretary for Young Women's I wanted to give her responsibility for Personal Progress, so that she would be working with the Young Women more closely (because they and she are amazing) and because of the changes where Personal Progress may look different at the end of the year we wanted to make sure that the girls had every help that they possibly could in being able to complete the programme.

Individual Puff Pastry Pies - tasty and portable!

I spent the evening with two of our Beehives, who were working hard on Choice and Accountability together and who were struggling a little with working out just what the Scriptures they were reading meant and how it applied to them.

As we sat and read the Scriptures together, taking turns to read different verses and to say what we thought it meant, it reminded me why I love being with the Young Women, they keep me young and keep me feeling good by telling me all the great things they see and know. These young girls are going to be the leaders of tomorrow, the thinkers, the mothers, they are the future.

They are strong-willed, determined, smart, thoughtful, caring, excitable, talented, loving, giving, funny, dependable, accepting and utterly beautiful.

I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of their lives and see them mature into the wonderful women they were always destined to be.