School Shoes

Last Sunday I walked into my local Clarks store to see that it was heaving with parents buying School Shoes. If this had been a normal shoe shop visit I would have turned back around and walked out, but thanks to the lovely foresight of the PR team at Clarks I had an appointment, so I walked straight up to the lady with a clipboard directing other customers in what to do (Get a ticket, wait until your number is called) and let her know I had an appointment.

Within seconds we were ushered to a free seat and the children's feet were being measured much to the annoyance of several of the other patrons who had probably been sitting there for a good half hour. Some of them looked at us and you could see they were trying to work out if we were famous but mostly it was the dirty looks we were given that made us giggle! Tops and BB both had their feet measured with the normal attention to detail that Clarks are known for and then the assistant asked both the children what sort of shoes they would like and double checked with us what shoes we wanted to buy them.

Big Boy Having His Feet Measured At ClarksTop Ender Having Her Feet Measured At Clarks

The assistant was really lovely and brought down several styles of shoes for both Big Boy and Top Ender and in a couple of different sizes too as both Big Boy and Top Ender have two different sized feet and so she wanted to make sure that they fitted perfectly.

Big Boy and Top Enders School Shoes

As you can see both pairs of shoes are lovely looking, with both children getting what they wanted and of course they fit perfectly. The big thing I came away with though was that you can book appointments at Clarks and then you don't have to queue! If you want to book an appointment at Clarks all you need to do is register on the site and you can book an appointment and get the movie star treatment like we did.

We were sent a voucher so we could review the Clarks Shoe Fitting Service. Have you added A Mother's Ramblings to your RSS Reader? Make sure you never miss a brilliant lunch or a fantastic family moment.  

Also don't forget to follow my Weight Loss and Fitness Journey at Pippa World too!